🎯 How will you help us to achieve Blitz's goal

Month 1️⃣

You have built the Engine: The interface that our first beta-product builders will use in order to define their data-model and the business logic of their particular use case.

Month 3️⃣

You have built a dynamic component library for react or vanilla JS and the core of our front-end blocks: “components” and “pages”.

Month 6️⃣

You have gathered our beta users' feedback and have turned them into key features and UX enhancements for our beta to be opened to all users by June. You worked closely with the PM to deliver max value, and every user is excited by Blitz and willing to contribute to the roadmap.

🙋‍♀️ Team

You will work with:

♾ Diversity & Equality


We don't care about your former school, your studies, or the companies where you have worked for. Neither the color of your hair, nor yours of your underwear 😅

We care about your past achievements, your potential and what get you up every morning.

🔬 Experience

✅ Must have

****🤗 Would help a lot

🤙 Nice to have

🕺 Soft skills

🎨 Think Out-of-the-box: We are creating the future of no-coding, there is no space for "I've been doing it this way all my life".

🧠 You have backbone: We need you to actively challenge our ideas and be transparent.

👀 Curious: You like to try every new libs out there, and you are an active contributor to the tech community.

🥷🏾 Eager to learn: You know what you don’t know and are hungry for knowledge.

👪 User-oriented: You really care about UX, and you’re able to translate complex things into simple interfaces.

<aside> 👉 If you want to know more > [email protected]
